Italian digital photographer and painter

Cinzia is a London-based Italian artist of Florentine origin and her work relates to landscape, travel and current events.
She is inspired by pre-Columbian civilisations, in particular their representations in academia, funeral art and the symbolism of materials.

(... I was fascinated by the images in Cinzia’s exhibition, having never visited Mexico, myself.
I felt a strong connection with the striking monochrome work which featured masks and faces.

The use of black or white backgrounds, combined with the scale of the masks or sculptures, was most effective and the repetition of faces, many of which were
in colour, seemed to create a more human element in contrast to the sculptures depicted next to them. Many of these images were both haunting and powerful.

There was a small section of work based on tree forms and lakes which had been reduced to simple litho-style images in black with blocks of colour,
such as green to represent water which gave the work a balanced quality.

This was repeated in the the large images
of tombs,some of which were in black on white backgrounds with anonymous figures in red in the foreground.Others were dominated
by the use of heavy blocks of colour in the sky creating a rathera sense of mystery and timelessness...)

Kathrine Kath, Bethnal Green, London 2019

All images copyright © Cinzia Fontanelli - Web Site Since 2003